

Double pkpoints on kills, clue drops
2025-02-07 08:00 UTC (3d)

Last Man Standing

Double LMS points
2025-02-08 11:00 UTC (3h)
2025-02-08 19:00 UTC (3h)

Dagannoth Kings

+20% drops, double pet drops
2025-02-12 03:00 UTC (3h)
2025-02-12 11:00 UTC (3h)
2025-02-12 19:00 UTC (3h)

Double mining & smithing XP

Double mining & smithing XP
2025-02-14 08:00 UTC (3d)

Castle Wars

Double tickets and hybrid armour charges
2025-02-15 03:00 UTC (3h)
2025-02-15 11:00 UTC (3h)
2025-02-15 19:00 UTC (3h)

Recent Posts

Re: Lost Souls - Community PvM event
in News
by Monys
on Fri Feb 07, 2025 4:24 pm
Lost Souls - Community PvM event
in News
by Iron adam
on Fri Feb 07, 2025 4:04 pm
Re: How would you remember Pkhonor?
in General Discussion
by Respire1337
on Thu Feb 06, 2025 11:31 am
Re: [Buying inactive accounts]
in Services
by Jayden
on Wed Feb 05, 2025 11:26 pm
Re: How would you remember Pkhonor?
in General Discussion
by Simon
on Wed Feb 05, 2025 11:59 am

Recent Topics

Lost Souls - Community PvM event
in News
by Iron adam
on Fri Feb 07, 2025 4:04 pm
Codevlle - Amazn
in Player-Made Deals
by Codevlle
on Tue Feb 04, 2025 12:57 am
Codevlle - Iron Ayo - Kill Sire in 1 min
in Player-Made Deals
by Codevlle
on Mon Feb 03, 2025 9:32 pm
How would you remember Pkhonor?
in General Discussion
by Recklesss
on Mon Feb 03, 2025 12:32 am
Lower Minigame Minimum Required Players to 2
in Propose Ideas
by PkHonor
on Sun Feb 02, 2025 1:17 am


Lost Souls - Community PvM event

by Iron adam » Fri Feb 07, 2025 4:04 pm

Image This event takes place in the wilderness. Participate at your own risk! Image
Image Image Image Image

Welcome back to the latest community bossing event. This week we will be setting free Lost Souls. Lost Souls can be found all over the wilderness but will be easier to find if you acquire the Lost Souls Clue Scroll from Death located by the wilderness ditch. During this event all players will be able to use the ::event command which will teleport you somewhere into the wilderness.

This event features 2 major perks:
  • +20% drop rates
  • Double Slayer Points
  • Double PkHonor Points
If you are unfamiliar with community events or how they work, please refer to our Zamorak GWD event announcement post.

Starts in:

Ends in:

Community goal: 1,500 kills

Personal goal: 20,000 damage

Rewards for completing the personal goal (only if the community goal is reached)

For regular accounts:
Spoiler: show
  • 1,000 Raw karambwan
  • 1 Vesta's chainbody
  • 1 Vesta's plateskirt
  • 1 Dragon defender
For ironman accounts:
Spoiler: show
  • 1 Void melee set
  • 1 Void mage helm
  • 1 Void ranger helm

Top 10 competition for regular accounts

The top 10 regular accounts who have dealt the most damage will earn an additional reward.
Spoiler: show
  1. 5 Vesta's chainbody, 5 Vesta's plateskirt, 5 Morrigan's leather body, 5 Zuriel's robe bottom, 5 Zuriel's robe top
  2. 5 Vesta's chainbody, 5 Vesta's plateskirt, 5 Morrigan's leather body, 5 Zuriel's robe bottom, 5 Zuriel's robe top
  3. 5 Vesta's chainbody, 5 Vesta's plateskirt, 5 Morrigan's leather body, 5 Zuriel's robe bottom, 5 Zuriel's robe top
  4. 5 Vesta's chainbody, 5 Vesta's plateskirt, 5 Morrigan's leather body, 5 Zuriel's robe bottom, 5 Zuriel's robe top
  5. 5 Vesta's chainbody, 5 Vesta's plateskirt, 5 Morrigan's leather body, 5 Zuriel's robe bottom, 5 Zuriel's robe top
  6. 4 Vesta's chainbody, 4 Vesta's plateskirt, 4 Morrigan's leather body, 4 Zuriel's robe bottom, 4 Zuriel's robe top
  7. 4 Vesta's chainbody, 4 Vesta's plateskirt, 4 Morrigan's leather body, 4 Zuriel's robe bottom, 4 Zuriel's robe top
  8. 4 Vesta's chainbody, 4 Vesta's plateskirt, 4 Morrigan's leather body, 4 Zuriel's robe bottom, 4 Zuriel's robe top
  9. 3 Vesta's chainbody, 3 Vesta's plateskirt, 3 Morrigan's leather body, 3 Zuriel's robe bottom, 3 Zuriel's robe top
  10. 3 Vesta's chainbody, 3 Vesta's plateskirt, 3 Morrigan's leather body, 3 Zuriel's robe bottom, 3 Zuriel's robe top

Top 10 competition for ironman accounts

The top 10 ironman accounts who have dealt the most damage will earn an additional reward.
Spoiler: show
  1. 1 Salve amulet, 10,000 Revenant ether, 1 Craw's bow (u), 1 Thammaron's sceptre (u), 1 Viggora's chainmace (u)
  2. 1 Salve amulet, 10,000 Revenant ether, 1 Craw's bow (u), 1 Thammaron's sceptre (u), 1 Viggora's chainmace (u)
  3. 1 Salve amulet, 10,000 Revenant ether, 1 Craw's bow (u), 1 Thammaron's sceptre (u), 1 Viggora's chainmace (u)
  4. 1 Salve amulet, 10,000 Revenant ether, 1 Craw's bow (u), 1 Thammaron's sceptre (u), 1 Viggora's chainmace (u)
  5. 1 Salve amulet, 10,000 Revenant ether, 1 Craw's bow (u), 1 Thammaron's sceptre (u), 1 Viggora's chainmace (u)
  6. 1 Salve amulet
  7. 1 Salve amulet
  8. 1 Salve amulet
  9. 1 Salve amulet
  10. 1 Salve amulet


Kalphite Queen - Community PvM event

by Iron adam » Thu Jan 23, 2025 12:04 am


Welcome back to the latest community bossing event. This weekend we will be exterminating the Kalphite Queen. The Kalphite Queen can be found in her lair in the Kharidian Desert. The KQ can be reached by using the Monsters Teleport. Throughout this event all players will be able to use the ::event command to teleport directly into the lair.

This event features 2 major perks:
  • +20% drop rates
  • Double Pet drop rate

If you are unfamiliar with community events or how they work, please refer to our Zamorak GWD event announcement post.

Starts in:

Ends in:

Community goal: 2,000 kills

Personal goal: 20,000 damage

Rewards for completing the personal goal (only if the community goal is reached)

For regular accounts:
Spoiler: show
  • 1,000 Raw karambwan
  • 1,000 Super potion set
  • 1,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  • 1,000 Dragon arrowtips
For ironman accounts:
Spoiler: show
  • 100 Overload(4)
  • 1,000 Toadflax potion (unf)
  • 5,000 Coal
  • 2,000 Gold ore

Top 10 competition for regular accounts

The top 10 regular accounts who have dealt the most damage will earn an additional reward.
Spoiler: show
  1. 10,000 Raw karambwan, 10,000 Super potion set, 10,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 10,000 Dragon arrowtips
  2. 9,000 Raw karambwan, 9,000 Super potion set, 9,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 9,000 Dragon arrowtips
  3. 8,000 Raw karambwan, 8,000 Super potion set, 8,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 8,000 Dragon arrowtips
  4. 7,000 Raw karambwan, 7,000 Super potion set, 7,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 7,000 Dragon arrowtips
  5. 6,000 Raw karambwan, 6,000 Super potion set, 6,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 6,000 Dragon arrowtips
  6. 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Super potion set, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 5,000 Dragon arrowtips
  7. 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Super potion set, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 5,000 Dragon arrowtips
  8. 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Super potion set, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 5,000 Dragon arrowtips
  9. 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Super potion set, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 5,000 Dragon arrowtips
  10. 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Super potion set, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 5,000 Dragon arrowtips

Top 10 competition for ironman accounts

The top 10 ironman accounts who have dealt the most damage will earn an additional reward.
Spoiler: show
  1. 1,000 Overload(4), 10,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 50,000 Coal, 10,000 Gold ore
  2. 900 Overload(4), 9,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 45,000 Coal, 9,000 Gold ore
  3. 800 Overload(4), 8,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 40,000 Coal, 8,000 Gold ore
  4. 700 Overload(4), 7,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 35,000 Coal, 7,000 Gold ore
  5. 600 Overload(4), 6,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 30,000 Coal, 6,000 Gold ore
  6. 500 Overload(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 25,000 Coal, 5,000 Gold ore
  7. 500 Overload(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 25,000 Coal, 5,000 Gold ore
  8. 500 Overload(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 25,000 Coal, 5,000 Gold ore
  9. 500 Overload(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 25,000 Coal, 5,000 Gold ore
  10. 500 Overload(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 25,000 Coal, 5,000 Gold ore


Theatre of Blood - Community PvM event

by Iron adam » Sun Jan 05, 2025 8:53 pm


Welcome back to the latest community PvM event. This weekend we will be performing at the Theatre of Blood. The Theatre of Blood can be accessed in the by using the teleport in the minigame tab of your spellbook. Throughout this event all players will be able to use the ::event command to teleport directly outside the theatre.

This event features 2 major perks:
  • +20% purple chest and design notes chance
  • Double Pet Drop Rate
If you are unfamiliar with community events or how they work, please refer to our Zamorak GWD event announcement post.

Starts in:

Ends in:

Community goal: 400 kills

Personal goal: 5 kills

Rewards for completing the personal goal (only if the community goal is reached)

For regular accounts:
Spoiler: show
  • 1 Dharok's armour set
  • 1 Dragon defender
For ironman accounts:
Spoiler: show
  • 1 Dharok's armour set
  • 1 Dragon defender

Top 10 competition for regular accounts

The top 10 regular accounts who have gotten the most kills will earn an additional reward.
Spoiler: show
  1. 1,000 Overload(4), 1,000 Super prayer(4), 10,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 10,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  2. 900 Overload(4), 900 Super prayer(4), 9,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 9,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  3. 800 Overload(4), 800 Super prayer(4), 8,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 8,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  4. 700 Overload(4), 700 Super prayer(4), 7,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 7,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  5. 600 Overload(4), 600 Super prayer(4), 6,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 6,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  6. 500 Overload(4), 500 Super prayer(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  7. 500 Overload(4), 500 Super prayer(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  8. 500 Overload(4), 500 Super prayer(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  9. 500 Overload(4), 500 Super prayer(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  10. 500 Overload(4), 500 Super prayer(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)

Top 10 competition for ironman accounts

The top 10 ironman accounts who have gotten the most kills will earn an additional reward.
Spoiler: show
  1. 1,000 Overload(4), 1,000 Super prayer(4), 10,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 10,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  2. 900 Overload(4), 900 Super prayer(4), 9,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 9,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  3. 800 Overload(4), 800 Super prayer(4), 8,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 8,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  4. 700 Overload(4), 700 Super prayer(4), 7,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 7,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  5. 600 Overload(4), 600 Super prayer(4), 6,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 6,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  6. 500 Overload(4), 500 Super prayer(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  7. 500 Overload(4), 500 Super prayer(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  8. 500 Overload(4), 500 Super prayer(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  9. 500 Overload(4), 500 Super prayer(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  10. 500 Overload(4), 500 Super prayer(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)


Chambers of Xeric - Community PvM event

by Iron adam » Mon Dec 16, 2024 12:27 am


Welcome back to the latest community PvM event. This weekend we will be raiding at the Chambers of Xeric. The Chambers of Xeric can be accessed in the by using the teleport in the minigame tab of your spellbook. Throughout this event all players will be able to use the ::event command to teleport directly outside the chambers.

This event features 3 major perks:
  • +20% Raid Points
  • More ultra rares in purples
  • Double Pet Drop Rate

If you are unfamiliar with community events or how they work, please refer to our Zamorak GWD event announcement post.

Starts in:

Ends in:

Community goal: 1,000 kills

Personal goal: 5 kills

Rewards for completing the personal goal (only if the community goal is reached)

For regular accounts:
Spoiler: show
  • 10 Barrage runes pouch
  • 1,000 Dragon arrowtips
  • 100 Overload(4)
For ironman accounts:
Spoiler: show
  • 10 Barrage runes pouch
  • 1,000 Dragon arrowtips
  • 100 Overload(4)

Top 10 competition for regular accounts

The top 10 regular accounts who have gotten the most kills will earn an additional reward.
Spoiler: show
  1. 10,000 Mahogany plank, 10,000 Gold bar
  2. 10,000 Mahogany plank, 10,000 Gold bar
  3. 10,000 Mahogany plank, 10,000 Gold bar
  4. 10,000 Mahogany plank, 10,000 Gold bar
  5. 10,000 Mahogany plank, 10,000 Gold bar
  6. 9,000 Mahogany plank, 9,000 Gold bar
  7. 8,000 Mahogany plank, 8,000 Gold bar
  8. 7,000 Mahogany plank, 7,000 Gold bar
  9. 6,000 Mahogany plank, 6,000 Gold bar
  10. 5,000 Mahogany plank, 5,000 Gold bar

Top 10 competition for ironman accounts

The top 10 ironman accounts who have gotten the most kills will earn an additional reward.
Spoiler: show
  1. 10,000 Mahogany plank, 10,000 Gold bar
  2. 10,000 Mahogany plank, 10,000 Gold bar
  3. 10,000 Mahogany plank, 10,000 Gold bar
  4. 10,000 Mahogany plank, 10,000 Gold bar
  5. 10,000 Mahogany plank, 10,000 Gold bar
  6. 9,000 Mahogany plank, 9,000 Gold bar
  7. 8,000 Mahogany plank, 8,000 Gold bar
  8. 7,000 Mahogany plank, 7,000 Gold bar
  9. 6,000 Mahogany plank, 6,000 Gold bar
  10. 5,000 Mahogany plank, 5,000 Gold bar


Nightmare - Community PvM event

by Iron adam » Mon Dec 09, 2024 2:21 am


Welcome back to the latest community bossing event. This week, we will be putting The Nightmare of Ashihama to sleep. The Nightmare can be reached using the Monsters teleport or by using the ::event command.

This event features 2 major perks:
  • +20% drop rates
  • Double Pet drop rate

If you are unfamiliar with community events or how they work, please refer to our Zamorak GWD event announcement post.

Starts in:

Ends in:

Community goal: 200 kills

Personal goal: 10,000 damage

Rewards for completing the personal goal (only if the community goal is reached)

For regular accounts:
Spoiler: show
  • 100 Overload(4)
  • 250 Sanfew serum(4)
For ironman accounts:
Spoiler: show
  • 100 Overload(4)
  • 250 Sanfew serum(4)

Top 10 competition for regular accounts

The top 10 regular accounts who have dealt the most damage will earn an additional reward.
Spoiler: show
  1. 1 Inquisitor's armour set
  2. 1 Ring imbue scroll, 1 Salve amulet, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  3. 1 Ring imbue scroll, 1 Salve amulet, 4,500 Dragon bolts (unf)
  4. 1 Ring imbue scroll, 1 Salve amulet, 4,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  5. 1 Ring imbue scroll, 1 Salve amulet, 3,500 Dragon bolts (unf)
  6. 1 Salve amulet, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  7. 1 Salve amulet, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  8. 1 Salve amulet, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  9. 1 Salve amulet, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  10. 1 Salve amulet, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)

Top 10 competition for ironman accounts

The top 10 ironman accounts who have dealt the most damage will earn an additional reward.
Spoiler: show
  1. 1 Inquisitor's armour set
  2. 1 Ring imbue scroll, 1 Salve amulet, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  3. 1 Ring imbue scroll, 1 Salve amulet, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  4. 1 Ring imbue scroll, 1 Salve amulet, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  5. 1 Ring imbue scroll, 1 Salve amulet, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  6. 1 Salve amulet, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  7. 1 Salve amulet, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  8. 1 Salve amulet, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  9. 1 Salve amulet, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  10. 1 Salve amulet, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)