
Double farming & herblore XP

Double farming & herblore XP
2024-07-22 08:00 UTC (7d)


+20% drops, double pet drops, access without slayer task
2024-07-26 08:00 UTC (3d)

Last Man Standing

Double LMS points
2024-07-27 11:00 UTC (3h)
2024-07-27 19:00 UTC (3h)

Double runecrafting XP

Double runecrafting XP
2024-07-29 08:00 UTC (7d)


Chance to get full set, extra loot, +20% drops in risky
2024-07-30 07:00 UTC (5h)


Cerberus - Community PvM event

by Iron adam » Fri Jul 19, 2024 6:36 pm


Welcome back to the latest community bossing event. This weekend we will be hunting the 3-headed beast Cerberus. Cerberus can be found in her lair deep within Taverley Dungeon. Throughout this event all players will be able to use the ::event command to teleport directly to Cerberus.

This event features 3 major perks:
  • +20% drop rates
  • Double Pet drop rate
  • Access without Slayer task

If you are unfamiliar with community events or how they work, please refer to our Zamorak GWD event announcement post.

Starts in:

Ends in:

Community goal: 10,000 kills

Personal goal: 50 kills

Rewards for completing the personal goal (only if the community goal is reached)

For regular accounts:
Spoiler: show
  • 250 Super combat potion(4)
  • 1,000 Black dragonhide
  • 1,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
For ironman accounts:
Spoiler: show
  • 100 Overload(4)
  • 1,000 Black dragonhide
  • 1,000 Dragon bolts (unf)

Top 10 competition for regular accounts

The top 10 regular accounts who have gotten the most kills will earn an additional reward.
Spoiler: show
  1. 10,000 Black dragonhide, 10,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 10,000 Dragon dart tip, 10,000 Dragon arrowtips
  2. 9,000 Black dragonhide, 9,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 9,000 Dragon dart tip, 9,000 Dragon arrowtips
  3. 8,000 Black dragonhide, 8,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 8,000 Dragon dart tip, 8,000 Dragon arrowtips
  4. 7,000 Black dragonhide, 7,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 7,000 Dragon dart tip, 7,000 Dragon arrowtips
  5. 6,000 Black dragonhide, 6,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 6,000 Dragon dart tip, 6,000 Dragon arrowtips
  6. 5,000 Black dragonhide, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 5,000 Dragon dart tip, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips
  7. 5,000 Black dragonhide, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 5,000 Dragon dart tip, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips
  8. 5,000 Black dragonhide, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 5,000 Dragon dart tip, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips
  9. 5,000 Black dragonhide, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 5,000 Dragon dart tip, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips
  10. 5,000 Black dragonhide, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 5,000 Dragon dart tip, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips

Top 10 competition for ironman accounts

The top 10 ironman accounts who have gotten the most kills will earn an additional reward.
Spoiler: show
  1. 10,000 Black dragonhide, 10,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 10,000 Dragon dart tip, 10,000 Dragon arrowtips
  2. 9,000 Black dragonhide, 9,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 9,000 Dragon dart tip, 9,000 Dragon arrowtips
  3. 8,000 Black dragonhide, 8,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 8,000 Dragon dart tip, 8,000 Dragon arrowtips
  4. 7,000 Black dragonhide, 7,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 7,000 Dragon dart tip, 7,000 Dragon arrowtips
  5. 6,000 Black dragonhide, 6,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 6,000 Dragon dart tip, 6,000 Dragon arrowtips
  6. 5,000 Black dragonhide, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 5,000 Dragon dart tip, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips
  7. 5,000 Black dragonhide, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 5,000 Dragon dart tip, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips
  8. 5,000 Black dragonhide, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 5,000 Dragon dart tip, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips
  9. 5,000 Black dragonhide, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 5,000 Dragon dart tip, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips
  10. 5,000 Black dragonhide, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 5,000 Dragon dart tip, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips

Developers Blog

Upcoming update: New Client with RuneLite integration

by Brant » Mon Jul 15, 2024 5:12 pm


If all goes well, we'll be releasing the first public beta version of our new client within the next couple of weeks (early August with some luck). I've been working on this myself mainly since the Construction update back in November, but thanks to some help from @Mike, @Thoby and @Raj, we are finally able to make it happen. We didn't want to publicly announce the new client until we were certain that we can make it work, but at this point it's just a matter of working out a number of smaller details and bugs before we can release it on the live server.

New Runelite Plugins
  • Uses Runelite Client
  • 117 HD plugin (increase draw distance, anti-aliasing, UI scaling, lighting, shadows, skyboxes, new textures)
  • GPU plugin (increase draw distance, anti-aliasing, UI scaling, skyboxes)
  • Chat Colors TODO after release
  • Entity Hider TODO after release
  • FPS controller (Unfocused fps limit doesn't work yet)
  • Ground markers (currently mapped to the insert key. Press insert while hovering the desired tile to highlight/unhighlight
  • HD minimap
  • Skybox (adjustable skybox color)
  • Stretched Mode (helps stretch the game to fit larger screens)
  • Tile Indicators(shows players tile, destination and hovered tile)
New Features
  • World map button added (directs to the pkhonor map in a new browser
  • Wiki button added (directs to the pkhonor wiki in a new browser
  • Spec bar regen circle bar added
  • The main theme now loads when at the login screen (currently not added as I didn't create a mute option yet)
  • Sound Effects for a lot of skilling actions have been added
Suggestions Added/Bugs Fixed Sound Effects added
Spoiler: show
197 - Ancient Teleport
200 - basic teleport sound
965 - Teletab
984 - Enter/exit teleports
1018 - Eating rock cake
1041 - Pin button selected
1470 - Digging with spade
2274 - Pin Enter Success
2266 - Putting in pin
2393 - Eating
2401 - Drinking
2577 - Cooking
2582 - Picking up an item
2596 - Lighting a fire
2674 - Restore Prayer
2710 - Making Runes
2725 - Smelting
2734 - Tree falling
2738 - Burying bone
2739 - Dropping an item
3600 - Ore runs out

--- Prayer ---
prayer deactivated: 2663
thick skin: 2690
burst of strength: 2688
clarity of thought: 2664
sharp eye: 2685
mystic will: 2670
rock skin: 2684
superhuman strength: 2689
improved reflexes: 2662
rapid restore: 2679
rapid heal: 2678
prot item: 1982
hawk eye: 2666
mystic lore: 2668
steel skin: 2687
ultimate strength: 2691
incredible reflexes: 2667
prot from mage: 2675
prot from ranged: 2677
prot from melee: 2676
eagle eye/Rigour: 2665
mystic might/Augury: 2669
retribution: 2682
redemption: 2680
smite: 2686
preserve: 2679
chivalry: 3826
piety: 3825
Things left to do before release
Add a way to mute the login screen music
Add in options to adjust the Area, sound, and music volumes
A new setting interface to go along with the additional music options
Add in random mode for music tracks
Ambient sound effects
Finish sound effects for combat, and prayers
NPC, item, and object ID translation
Splitting text onto multiple lines
Combat interface using new standard in server

If you are interested in having your work contributed, I recommend you check out the Logo Competition that's going on.


Congratulations to our new staff manager Jayden

by Mike » Mon Jul 15, 2024 5:01 pm

Ryan has been with us for 10 years by now, and has been staff manager for the past 6 years. This means he is the person who has maintained this position longer than anyone ever has before him, and he has done an excellent job at it. Time and again, he made the right choices to put the right people in the right place at the right time. Of course, nobody is perfect, but whoever will take his place certainly has big shoes to fill.

A few months ago, Ryan had voiced his wish to myself and Rapsey that he would like to resign from his position and for someone else to take his place, so that he can once again fully focus on his real life duties to both himself and his family. Due to the current circumstances of my well-being and Rapsey's absence, we had not yet managed to handle his resignation in a proper manner yet. For this, I would like to offer my deepest apologies to Ryan, who deserves nothing but respect for his many years of dedication to this server, its community and its staff team.

We have now granted him the permanent rank of advisor, a rank that we were not planning to give to anyone anymore, but if there is one person who deserves it more than anyone else, it's him. I wish Ryan nothing but the best in his future endeavours and we are eternally grateful to him for everything he has done for this server.

With Ryan no longer being active as staff manager, we have decided to promote @Jayden to take his place instead. It is apparent that Ryan has a lot of faith in Jayden's abilities, and from the conversations I've had with Jayden recently, I too am confident he is fit for the position. I am certain that he too will make the right decisions and carry on Ryan's legacy.


New Client, New Background/Logo competition

by Brant » Mon Jul 15, 2024 4:14 pm

With the anticipated release of the new client coming with Runelite, some new logos need to be added. Most notable are the background screen, the Runelite splash screen, and the desktop icon. To incentivize, we are hosting a competition that will be voted upon by the community. You can either make 1 specific, or you can make all three. It might be wise if you make all three, follow a consistent theme. Each specific image will have its own rewards. Only 1 submission per image per person

To participate, follow the format below and post a response to this thread only:

Code: Select all

Ingame name: [YOUR_INGAME_NAME]
Background image: [LINK_TO_BACKGROUND_IMAGE]
Runelite splash screen image: [LINK_TO_SPLASHSCREEN_IMAGE]
Desktop icon image: [DESKTOP_ICON_IMAGE]
Image dimensions:
Background screen: 765px*503px - (Can be animated, although I would provide a static image just incase)
Splash Screen: 200px*200px - (Can be animated, although I would provide a static image just incase, only shown for about 5 seconds so might not bee worth animating)
Desktop Icon: 100px*100px (static image only)


Login screen:
First place: Featured Image in the new client, 5000 Donator Credits
Second Place: 3500 Donator Credits
Third Place: 2000 Donator Credits

Splash screen
First Place: Featured Image in the new client, 2500 Donator Credits
Second Place: 2000 Donator Credits
Third Place: 1000 Donator Credits

Desktop Icon
First Place: Featured Image in the new client, 2500 Donator Credits
Second Place: 2000 Donator Credits
Third Place: 1000 Donator Credits

You have until we release the beta client to work and make submissions. There will be a week's notice before we close submissions. Then during the beta, we will hold the voting. The voting will close the week before we release the client live, and once again, there will be a week's notice before we do. When the news post for the new client goes live, I will announce the official winner, and the rewards will be distributed afterwards.


Zulrah - Community PvM event

by Iron adam » Sun Jun 30, 2024 8:38 pm


Welcome back to the latest community bossing event. This weekend we will be slaughtering Zulrah. Zulrah can be found in the swamp near Zul-Andra (Donator Teleports > Zulrah). Throughout this event all players will be able to use the ::event command to teleport directly to Zul-Andra.

This event features 3 major perks:
  • +20% drop rates
  • Double Pet drop rate
  • Free access for all players
If you are unfamiliar with community events or how they work, please refer to our Zamorak GWD event announcement post.

Starts in:

Ends in:

Community goal: 5,000 kills

Personal goal: 50 kills

Rewards for completing the personal goal (only if the community goal is reached)

For regular accounts:
Spoiler: show
  • 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf)
  • 1,000 Extreme attack(4)
  • 1,000 Extreme defence(4)
  • 1,000 Extreme strength(4)
  • 1,000 Extreme ranging(4)
  • 1,000 Extreme magic(4)
For ironman accounts:
Spoiler: show
  • 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf)
  • 1,000 Extreme attack(4)
  • 1,000 Extreme defence(4)
  • 1,000 Extreme strength(4)
  • 1,000 Extreme ranging(4)
  • 1,000 Extreme magic(4)

Top 10 competition for regular accounts

The top 10 regular accounts who have gotten the most kills will earn an additional reward.
Spoiler: show
  1. 3,000 Magic sapling, 10,000 Super potion set, 10,000 Torstol, 50,000 Ranging potion(4), 50,000 Grenwall spikes, 20,000 Toadflax potion (unf)
  2. 3,000 Magic sapling, 10,000 Super potion set, 10,000 Torstol, 50,000 Ranging potion(4), 50,000 Grenwall spikes, 20,000 Toadflax potion (unf)
  3. 3,000 Magic sapling, 10,000 Super potion set, 10,000 Torstol, 50,000 Ranging potion(4), 50,000 Grenwall spikes, 20,000 Toadflax potion (unf)
  4. 3,000 Magic sapling, 10,000 Super potion set, 10,000 Torstol, 50,000 Ranging potion(4), 50,000 Grenwall spikes, 20,000 Toadflax potion (unf)
  5. 3,000 Magic sapling, 10,000 Super potion set, 10,000 Torstol, 50,000 Ranging potion(4), 50,000 Grenwall spikes, 20,000 Toadflax potion (unf)
  6. 1,000 Magic sapling, 5,000 Super potion set, 5,000 Torstol, 20,000 Ranging potion(4), 20,000 Grenwall spikes, 10,000 Toadflax potion (unf)
  7. 1,000 Magic sapling, 5,000 Super potion set, 5,000 Torstol, 20,000 Ranging potion(4), 20,000 Grenwall spikes, 10,000 Toadflax potion (unf)
  8. 1,000 Magic sapling, 5,000 Super potion set, 5,000 Torstol, 20,000 Ranging potion(4), 20,000 Grenwall spikes, 10,000 Toadflax potion (unf)
  9. 1,000 Magic sapling, 5,000 Super potion set, 5,000 Torstol, 20,000 Ranging potion(4), 20,000 Grenwall spikes, 10,000 Toadflax potion (unf)
  10. 1,000 Magic sapling, 5,000 Super potion set, 5,000 Torstol, 20,000 Ranging potion(4), 20,000 Grenwall spikes, 10,000 Toadflax potion (unf)

Top 10 competition for ironman accounts

The top 10 ironman accounts who have gotten the most kills will earn an additional reward.
Spoiler: show
  1. 3,000 Magic sapling, 10,000 Antidote++(4), 10,000 Torstol, 50,000 Ranging potion(4), 50,000 Grenwall spikes, 20,000 Toadflax potion (unf)
  2. 3,000 Magic sapling, 10,000 Antidote++(4), 10,000 Torstol, 50,000 Ranging potion(4), 50,000 Grenwall spikes, 20,000 Toadflax potion (unf)
  3. 3,000 Magic sapling, 10,000 Antidote++(4), 10,000 Torstol, 50,000 Ranging potion(4), 50,000 Grenwall spikes, 20,000 Toadflax potion (unf)
  4. 3,000 Magic sapling, 10,000 Antidote++(4), 10,000 Torstol, 50,000 Ranging potion(4), 50,000 Grenwall spikes, 20,000 Toadflax potion (unf)
  5. 3,000 Magic sapling, 10,000 Antidote++(4), 10,000 Torstol, 50,000 Ranging potion(4), 50,000 Grenwall spikes, 20,000 Toadflax potion (unf)
  6. 1,000 Magic sapling, 5,000 Antidote++(4), 5,000 Torstol, 20,000 Ranging potion(4), 20,000 Grenwall spikes, 10,000 Toadflax potion (unf)
  7. 1,000 Magic sapling, 5,000 Antidote++(4), 5,000 Torstol, 20,000 Ranging potion(4), 20,000 Grenwall spikes, 10,000 Toadflax potion (unf)
  8. 1,000 Magic sapling, 5,000 Antidote++(4), 5,000 Torstol, 20,000 Ranging potion(4), 20,000 Grenwall spikes, 10,000 Toadflax potion (unf)
  9. 1,000 Magic sapling, 5,000 Antidote++(4), 5,000 Torstol, 20,000 Ranging potion(4), 20,000 Grenwall spikes, 10,000 Toadflax potion (unf)
  10. 1,000 Magic sapling, 5,000 Antidote++(4), 5,000 Torstol, 20,000 Ranging potion(4), 20,000 Grenwall spikes, 10,000 Toadflax potion (unf)